You Must Trust in Him

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good evening everyone!
It is a lovely stormy Saturday evening and God has been blessing all week.
If you want abundant blessings from God, YOU MUST TRUST HIM. If you don't trust Him with every part of your life, you will never experience the abundant life that God has for you.
Many people look for financial blessing, especially in hard economic times like these, but God can bless you in many different ways, good health, happy marriage, loving children. These are blessings also that many people take for granted until they loose them.
You must always be thankful for everything you have in your life, because you never know when like Job, your faith will be tested. Brother Job lost everything, absolutely everything, but 'In all this, Job did not sin or charge God with wrong.' Job 1:22 I sing a song in church called 'It's Only A Test' and it talks about keeping your faith and not giving up because it is only a test that we are going through. You must trust God through all of your tests and trials. For He is the only One that will be with you until the end. He is a friend that sticks closer than brother.
Thank You Lord for being with me these 44 years and for seeing me through many dark and stormy nights. I will trust in the Lord til I die!!! Amen!!!
Have a very blessed night and God bless you all!!!