What Did He Mean?

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My wife and I were reading our Bible together and doing a little discussing. I don't even remember why, but I looked at her and said "All things are possible with God!"

She answered, "that is not what that verse means. It's talking about salvation."

This got us thinking about all the verses people use out of context...but I'm getting ahead of myself.

The Bible is a group of letters or historical records written for or to certain groups of people. When reading the Bible it is so very important for us to remember that. Because it is true that "All Scripture is God-breathed" (2 Tim 3:16), not all Scripture quite applies to our lives the same way.

Take, for instance, at the end of the second letter we have that Paul wrote to Timothy. In chapter 4 verse 13 he says, "When you come, bring the cloak that I left with Carpus at Troas, and my scrolls, especially the parchments." It would be ridiculous for us to try and track down the coat, scrolls, and parchments and then try to find Paul. This verse is one that we simply do not follow. It would be taking the verse out of context.

There are others though, that we don't think as much about. Like the "All things are possible with God" verse. Jesus is talking about who would be saved, and he says its easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to enter heaven. This really freaks the disciples out and they ask, "Who then can be saved?"

Jesus replies, "With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." So many times we forget the context. Jesus is saying it is absolutely impossible for a person to save themselves or for someone to be saved without the hand of God. But God can save anyone!

Now, it may be true that when we align ourselves with God's will, He will make things possible for us that are otherwise impossible, but I'm not sure this is the verse to use to prove it.

It is so important for us to keep in mind the AIM, or the Author's Intended Meaning. This will actually help us understand Scripture so much more and can help us live our lives closer to what God desires. Sometimes it is more difficult, but any journey or adventure worth doing is always a little difficult.