Turtles, Purpose, etc!

Posted in By Mike Johns 0 comments

Many times, I get asked questions about why I do what I do.

There is a saying in the south that goes: "If you ever see a turtle on a fencepost, you know one thing for sure... he didn't get there by himself."

The turtle is dependent on someone or something to get on the fencepost.

I guess the reason I work with Youth I simply because God has told me to.  I mean, what would I be if God wasn't there?  If it were up to me, I'd probably be an assassin or something! ;)  It's really my job to shepherd students, and to encourage them in their walk with Christ.

Trust me.... there are times of great frustration, and of wondering why God would want me where I am at.  Youth Ministry is a position that lacks appreciation, and that can - at times - leave me banging my head up against the wall.  But I trust Him, and strive to depend on him.  I care because I know that God has a plan for you---plans to prosper you and not to harm you--- to give you a hope and a future.  see Jeremiah 29:11-13...

See there are times when I feel like I am just spinning my wheels, and going no where.  But God is faithful to bring young people in my life who encourage, and who  I can see God working in their life.

Couple observations about the turtle... and then I am out!
First, the turtle is totally dependent.
Second, The turtle, if left on the post, will die.  I think there is a parallel there to our being dead to self <gal. 2:20> we need to be totally dependent
Third, the turtle didn't get there by himself - he needed a hand, he needed help.  We do to.  We need help, and we need a hand.  We each need to find others who will hold us accountable, and walk hand-in-hand with us in our journey with Christ.