
Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good evening everyone! I pray that you got out and enjoyed your day! I did!
I had a question posed to me from a fellow believer, can you drink alcohol and still be saved. I told her that I felt that yes you could drink a beer and still be saved. I told her that everything must be done in moderation, everything can become a sin if you let it consume you and you put it before God. Food, alcohol, money, people, shopping, anything.
Then we talked about Biblical times and how Jesus turned the water into wine, it wasn't just grape juice, the Bible says wine. the Bible says things should be done in moderation. We are not to over eat, we are not drink too much, we are not to do anything to the point of where we feel that we cannot live without it.
I like to shop, but there was a time that instead of praying and meditating on God's word, I would go out and spend money that I didn't have to make myself feel better. And when I couldn't shop, I would feel bad about it until I could. I had to ask God to help me with my problem and He did!
The point is, everything must be done in moderation and to the glory of God. So, whatever you do remember, God comes first, always!!!
Good night, have a very blessed weekend!!!