That Time of Year

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good evening everyone. I pray that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I certainly did. It was filled with family and friends and great food.

There are roughly 31 days until Christmas and I have to say that I was out with the rest of the bargain hunters looking for a good deal and I found some, but once again I heard disturbing news of people treating others with disrespect, hatefulness and disregard. These kinds of stories always hurt my heart because this is suppose to be the time of the year that we as the human race are to show loving kindness toward our fellow man. But it always seems to bring out the worst in folk.

So, I want to issue a challenge to everyone, 31 days of kindness. During this month, November, people have been writing about what they are thankful for on many of the social networks. In December, I would like for people to do a kind act toward another human being each day of the month and not tell a soul they have done it. Keep it between you, the other person and God. He sees your heart. He knows your spirit. There is no need to let everybody know what you have done. You will feel like a brand new person. Helping others helps you.

Have a very blessed night everybody!!! Love ya!!!