There is No Need to be Worried

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As I write this, President Obama has been projected to win the election. Not all the states are in, and it's just a projection, but it is certainly looking like he is going to be serving another 4 years.

I found out this information by checking a couple websites, but really the only site I needed to turn to was Facebook. Already, after only about 30 minutes of this news, my news feed has blown up with election statuses. 

These statuses are anything from "YES!!! WE DID IT! HE WON!" to "I'm so incredibly disgusted. Our nation will never survive." It is a little funny to me because some of these statuses are by 8th grade students who never show interest in our political process until the states start changing colors on their TVs. 

Now, I went to the polls today and voted. I colored in the little bubbles and slipped my paper into the neat little box. I had in mind who I would have liked to see in office (not just for President). But I am not freaking out one way or another (some I voted for have been elected and others have not). Some people may tell me that is because I'm ignorant and uninformed. Some will say I just don't care enough. 

I think it is because I have a God who is bigger than our political process. My God has not ceased to be in control just because one person has been put into office and another has not. Check this out:

Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God. (Romans 13:1)
Paul wrote this verse during a time when Christians were being persecuted by the government. Caesar wanted himself to be the only "god" people worshiped. He was a terrible person, who committed terrible evils. All you have to do is look at history. People being dipped in tar, crucified and lit on fire to light the streets; the Colosseum, and blaming Christians for the burning of Rome were all things the government did.

Yet Paul still says to be in subjection and that there is nobody in power, except who have been established by God. For me, that is encouraging. It may seem random, or contrary to God's will that a person is in power, but that is not what Scripture tells us.

There is a reason certain people have been elected today. Take heart in knowing that God is still in control.

 I'm not going to tell you what to do politically now that the election is over. What I am going to tell you to do is pray, and I don't mean that stupid "pray that his days may be few" prayer. What happens if you are so busy praying that his days are few and then someone else even worse takes his place? Or what happens if her days are few because she is killed without ever knowing our Savior? Please use wisdom.

First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. (1 Timothy 2:1-2)
 Pray for our leaders, that God's will be done. Pray that if they do not know the Savior, that they respond to the salvation God offers.

I'm not worried. My God is so much bigger and has proven He is still in control. We may not understand the outcomes of this election, but I guarantee that this didn't catch God by surprise.

Keep living out your faith. Keep spreading the gospel.

And pray with wisdom.