A different perspective

Posted in By Misti Runyan 0 comments

Hello there! My name is Misti. I am so very excited to begin this new adventure--blogging! I am a married mother of two wonderful young ladies (who are growing faster than I can keep up).

I grew up in church...sort of. My family were what is referred to in Christian circles as "Creasters", people who attend church during religious holidays. My dad's family was Methodist, so I was "sprinkled" as an infant-or, christened. At age 11, I was enrolled in confirmation class.

As a pre-teen, I never really "got it". Confirmation was something that you did at a certain age, not necessarily as a response to a specific call. I learned a lot about the Bible, but without a spiritual understanding, it didn't really mean much to me.

I met my husband while I was in college. He had grown up in the church as well, but with a very different background. His parents were strong Christians who taught their children about their need for Christ. Unfortunately, when we started seeing each other, my husband had pulled away from his church-he was in rebellion.

Three years after we were married, we prepared to bring our first daughter into the world. God had been working on me for some time, but it all crystallized when I realized I would be responsible for a new life. I desired to raise my children in a Christian home; but God helped me see that I could not do that without Him.

My life has been blessed immensely since that decision. The Lord has given me a mission to work with students. I believe He is using my personal experiences to give me a unique vision into the minds of young adults. It has been the most wonderful time of discovering what my purpose is in the world.

I can't wait to see where this new community will go. As iron sharpens iron, I believe that faith grows by being in community with other believers. God uses those who are willing; and I'm so happy that he gives us the desire to be willing!