My Testimony - Nick

Posted in By Nick Smith 2 comments

Hi all!

So, I want to start by sharing something that is totally a God thing. As I was preparing to share my testimony on here, I remembered somewhere else that I had shared my testimony. My fiancé and I (we get married in less than two weeks btw!) met on eHarmony and we shared testimonies early on. To save time, I thought it would be helpful if I took a look at what I shared back then and maybe even just use that. Well, when I found it, I saw that it was EXACTLY one year ago TODAY that I shared my testimony with her. How crazy is that?!? Totally a God thing!

Anyways, here's my testimony. :)

I was raised Catholic. When I was growing up, it seemed to me that what I was being taught about Christianity didn't seem to match up to how people lived and acted. It's important to note that I could've gotten that impression in any denomination, not just Catholicism. Anyways, in middle school, I started reading the Bible on my own (something that is not encouraged in the Catholic church as much as it is in Protestant churches). I learned a lot about God and got really fired up, but it was aimless. I wanted to learn more about other denominations. In high school, I briefly dated a Baptist girl. During a youth retreat with her church, her youth pastor explained what it meant to be born again - something I had never heard before because Catholics don't emphasize that part of the Bible.

In college is when I really came to know Christ. I worked at Windermere Baptist Conference Center over three summers, where I learned a lot about...well, a lot...from the other summer staffers. Over time, I learned that although I don't like the idea of different denominations, my beliefs most closely match that of Baptists.

I don't have any clear "moment" when I became a Christian. I didn't even know what an "altar call" or the "sinner's prayer" were until I dated that girl in high school. To be honest, those concepts made me question my faith rather than making me feel confident in it. There was a long time when I wondered if I was really a Christian since I had never had a "moment." I prayed the "sinner's prayer" on several occasions after learning what it was because I was afraid that I had somehow done something wrong since I didn't have a "moment." As I gained maturity, though, I came to the opinion that, although accepting Christ is very, very important, the concept of a "moment" of surrender is overemphasized in the Baptist church while the concept of daily surrender and accountability is perhaps underemphasized.

Now, I wouldn't trade how I came to know Christ for anything, because I've seen how God has used it to give me a unique viewpoint, a way to see things that I probably would have missed if I had been raised differently. So, yeah. That's my story. :)