Questions, questions, questions

Posted in By Red Beard 0 comments

How do we attain to that we want to be? I don't mean how do I guarantee I'll be a millionaire or how do I manipulate life to get everything I've ever wanted? But instead how can I be the man I want to be and the man God created me to be? What stands in my way? Is there an area of responsibility I'm ignoring? Have I failed to recognize my own crap and objectively look at how I handle and react to life? Is there maybe a level of personal responsibility and sober judgement of self that I need to be applying to myself? Do I actively pursue the things that I know make for a better me?(patience, peace, wisdom, understanding) Have I been living passively in a simple reactionary mode to life just taking it all in and never stepping out on a limb or taking a risk?(Have I been upfront with that girl I like and just straight up asked her out?) Do I force myself to do the disciplines that make a better man?(prayer, Bible study, worship, service) Am I living in the shadows and walking the footsteps of everyone else around me or do I recognize when I must lead?(Are my friends defining my beliefs or am I) Am I willing to look different, even foolish in order to courageously provide an example for the people around me to see the light and joy of salvation? When nothing seems to work out do I give up or are my expectations aligned such that they are sighted on Christ or are they set on the things I'm hoping he will provide?(when that girl I like says no she's not interested, does it phase me? Does it grow me as a man or do I let bitterness grow?) What leads me to step out? Am I simply looking for a payment for what I think I've earned or is there a greater purpose? All these questions could go deeper and be dug into further, but for now I'll tie them together with this.

Do I;
Accept responsibility
Reject Passivity
Lead Courageously
Expect God's reward