Praise Him!

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good morning everyone!
Good Saturday morning, it is a beautiful day! Everyday that we are given to do the will of the Father is a beautiful day. Rain or shine, we need to give God praise. Do you know why God created man, to please Him. That's it, to bring Him pleasure. We are to give God the glory for everything. No matter how big or how small it is.
So, if you are going through hardships and tough times, praise Him. If things are going your way and everything is great, praise Him. No problem, no issue, no event is bigger than our God. In His word, He says for ALL things that have breath, to give Him praise. Truthfully, that is all we have to give Him, everything else belongs to Him. So, let go and let God do His thing and give Him Praise for it!
Have a very blessed day everybody!!!