What Do You Pray For?

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good Morning Everyone!
Prayer is our way of communicating with God. Many people find it difficult to do though. They say they do not know what to pray for. This is not a new problem, the disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray and He did. I read somewhere that when we find it hard to pray, we need to ACT, Acknowledge God, Confess sin, and Thank Him.
One thing we do need to do when praying, is be careful what we pray for. A good Christian friend of mine reminded me of this recently. He said, we are going to pray for God to send a mate into our lives, we must make sure we asks for one that is equally yoked in Christ. If we want wisdom, strentgh, or knowledge we must be prepared to use them for the Lord. As we were speaking God spoke to me about a question that I had been pondering for a couple of months, why? God reminded me of a prayer that I prayed about 8 years ago, I prayed for a family. I wasn't specific, I just asked Him for a family. Now I thought that meant a husband and children to follow. Now I have a family, but not the one I expected. My brother, sister-in-law, and their three children moved in with me at the beginning of November. Both my brother and his wife work out of town and are away for weeks at a time, so I'm left with the children to take care of them and make sure they have what they need. God told me during that conversation that this is the family that I prayed for many years ago. It is not the one that I had in mind, but is the one that God had in mind. He told us in His word that His ways aren't our ways, His thoughts aren't our thoughts.
So, I say all that to say this, know that when you pray, God's will, will be done.
Have a very blessed day everybody!