Remind Me

Posted in By Misti Runyan 0 comments

I am so excited to be going away with students this weekend for the 2012 Winter Retreat. Even though my role is half teacher and half disciplinarian, I am always caught up in the energy of the students attending, and it almost always ends up being a retreat for me as well.

I can't wait to share vision with the students! This is my 'Year of Freedom', and I want to see teenagers impacted by the heart of what God has revealed to me. I've been reading a book called, "Searching For God Knows What", and it has put into words many of the things I've been feeling the last few weeks.

Freedom in Christ means we no longer have to judge ourselves by the standard of the world. No more comparing ourselves to others; wondering why this person is smarter than me, or wishing I was as pretty as that girl. I will give thanks to You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Wonderful are your works, and my soul knows it very well. -Psalm 139:14. David said, "You formed my inward parts; You wove me in my mother's womb" (Psalm 139:13) and it's true. We were created by God, and He is the only one with the right to define who we are.

The Apostle John referred to himself several times in his gospel as "the disciple Jesus loved". He didn't do this out of arrogance, although we know by the Scriptures that he was prone to this trait. He did it to remind himself of who he was, and WHOSE he was. He didn't want to forget that he was important enough to & loved enough by God that He would send His son to die in John's place.

Have you ever thought of yourself as "the one Jesus loves"? How does that perspective change how you categorize yourself?

Everything about us would change if we would meditate on those four little words. Say it to yourself-again and again. Think about all that it means-to you and to your Creator. Talk about living an empowered life!