A Terrified Kid, a Fish, and a Metaphor

Posted in By Nick Smith 0 comments

My wife and I have recently been watching America’s Funniest Home Videos, which was just added to Netflix. Nothing makes your day better than laughing so hard you cry and there is no comedy better than real life.

So today, I wanted to share with you one of the videos that made me cry from laughter. Watch it, enjoy it, watch it again because it’s just so funny and it’s short, and then read the part below. :)

When I saw that part of the show, I laughed so hard that I had to pause it to keep from missing the next several videos. It still makes me chuckle when I watch it and I may or may not have acted it out for a few friends. :)

And then later, I thought about a metaphor. It’s pretty loose, but I had to think of some excuse for sharing that video. :)

Okay, here it goes. We are the little kid, the fishing pole is sin, and the fish is the negative consequence of sin. We tend to hold on to sin with a death grip and refuse to let go while at the same time we run as fast as we can to try to get away from the consequences of our sin. All we have to do is let go of the sin and the consequence will go away too (in most cases). But we just won’t do it. We don’t see the connection. Just like the kid doesn’t realize that holding on to the pole is the exact reason the fish is following him, we refuse to acknowledge that holding on to our sin is the reason we’re suffering negative consequences.

And you want to know one of the worst parts? In the spiritual realm, it isn’t nearly so funny.