This Little Light of Mine

Posted in By Hannah 1 comments

My four year old son, Indie, loves to ask questions. Not just the typical, inquisitive kid stuff like "why," but he really enjoys getting to know others. He will ask you what your favorite toy was when you were a child, or how you slept, how much you love the coffee you're drinking, or what Jesus has been telling you.

No, really. He asks this all the time. And then he loves to share what he is learning from the Lord. It's incredible to see this little guy develop his own relationship with the Lord.

Last Sunday I was making dinner when Indie cheerfully came into the kitchen. He stood beside me, looked up, smiled and said, "Jesus loves us just the way we are."

Delighted and somewhat puzzled, I said, "Well, yes He does, buddy. Did you hear that in kids' church this morning?"

"Oh, no, it's just something Jesus told me," he nonchalantly replied.

"Really? Well, what else has Jesus told you?" I inquired.

"We should be thankful for what we already have and keep our hands to ourselves." He stood there sweetly, happy to share what the Lord has been speaking to him.

I didn't even know what to say. I am blown away by his faith, his kindness, his genuine interest in sharing the Lord. I hugged my little guy, and then he brightly asked, "Mom, what has Jesus told you?"

We've made evangelism, discipleship and our faith look and feel way harder than it is. We've put rules and unnecessary limits on what God can or should look like when manifested in our own daily lives. We don't want to get to know God, ask Him the big or little questions, because we keep trying to fit God into our little boxes.

Believers, you can have the bumper sticker, wear the shirt, go to every service that is held, and listen to the clean radio all you want to, but if you don't take the time to get to know the Lord, what you share won't matter. When you do know the Lord, you  cheerfully share Him because He matters to you.

Friends, sharing your faith has very little to do with you "saving" anybody. You can't. Your job is not to save, but to share. Jesus saves. You share what He is doing in your life. That's all.

I pray you take this reminder and go forth to share what light the Lord has shown you.

What has the Lord told you today?