God's Goodness

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Hello Everyone!
Praise the Lord!!!
"When waves of affilction, sweep over the soul. And sun light is hidden from view. If ever, you are tempted to fret or complain, just think of His goodness to you!"
God is good all the time and all the time God is good! We say it in church and to people we meet, but do we believe it? Well, I know I do. God continues to bless me each and every day. He wakes me up and starts me on my way. He has blessed me to have means and ways to take care of myself and when it doesn't seem like it is enough, God steps in and makes it enough.
He does this because He loves us. But, we must also do something, we must have faith. Faith that God will do just waht he said He would in His word. He promises us that He will supply ALL of our needs. We must not worry, fret or complain. Just believe and trust in Him.
Today He blessed me and 3 friends with unexpected blessings and He blessed us with life, life more abundant! Hallelujah, Thank You Jesus, I thank You Lord for all You've done for me!
Have a very blessed weekend everybody!!!