So What?

Posted in By Nick Smith 1 comments

I read a USA Today article the other day that really bothered me. It talked about how a very large number of Americans are “spiritually apathetic” – they don’t really care one way or the other about God and simply shrug it off in an attitude of “so what?” Forty-six percent, an amount that is astounding to me, said they never wonder if they will go to heaven. Forty-six percent!

I guess it shouldn’t surprise me because we’ve been going that direction for quite some time now. And I guess I can understand the sentiment as well. With how many luxuries and distractions we enjoy as Americans, it can be so easy for us to ignore God altogether. After all, who needs God when everything is just fine without him?

But that’s the problem, isn’t it? Everything isn’t just fine. We’re living in a fantasy world if we don’t believe it. Each and every one of us is going to die someday. We can distract ourselves all we want with football, video games, shopping, and eating out, but it won’t change the simple fact that we WILL die. Those luxuries/distractions are not bad things by themselves, but they can become bad things when we allow them to distort our perspective.

Our time on Earth is so short, especially when compared to eternity. Remembering that always gives me perspective. We won’t be here forever. We won’t even be here very long at all.

Try to remember what you had for dinner one week ago today. Can’t remember? Or maybe just a vague idea? Me too. Or who won the Super Bowl fifteen years ago? I have no idea even though it is the ultimate victory for my favorite sport. I have a feeling that’s what our memories of Earth are going to be like once we’re in eternity. A vapor and a wisp that we briefly remember before moving on with what really matters. Doesn’t it make sense to start living today for what is going to last into tomorrow?

We can ignore the facts in a “so what?” attitude, but ignoring it doesn’t change it. Each of us WILL die and each of us WILL have to face God on judgment day. Do you know what you’ll say on that day? I do.