New Everyday

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good Morning Everyone, Happy New Year!!!
New Year's Eve, a time that we use to look forward and look back at the same time. We make resolutions to ourselves, others and God that we are going to change in the new year. Stop smoking, lose weight, exercise, eat better, do more for others, start going to church, the list goes on and on. The things about resolutions, they are often broken. Oh, we start out gung ho and do real well for a few days, some of us even make it through the whole month of January, but as the months run on we begin to slack off and we find it hard to get back on track.
But the one thing I have found on my journey is that God grants us new graces and mercies everyday. In His word he tells us that weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning! Thank God for the morning light! Thank God for another chance to get it right! So, this year, this new year, give yourself another chance. Don't give up on yourself so easily, if you break your resolution one day, start over again the next, give yourself another chance. God gives us chance after chance, why don't we give it to ourselves?
So this year, as you look back over 2011 and thank God for bringing you through it and look forward to 2012 and ask God for continued blessings, tell yourself that you will go a little easier on you and give yourself another chance!
Happy Blessed New Year everybody!!!