Use What God Gave You!

Posted in By Cheryl Huston 0 comments

Good evening everyone!
I'm blogging later today because I just got to work.
In Phil. 4:11, Paul writes about learning to be content in whatever situation he is in. That is what we must also do. Be content and use what God has provided for you. In His word, God promises us to provide our every need. He gives us gifts and talents to use to our advantage. We are to take them and enlarge His kingdom, not just our territory. If you have a mind for finance, you should help the finance committee at your church. If you keep a very clean home, help keep your church clean each week. If you love children, help the youth department with their Wednesday night program. Whatever your passion for life is, it can be use to uplift our Heavenly Father!
So, use what God has put on your heart. He put it there for a reason, that reason being, His Purpose!
Have a very blessed evening and give Him praise always!!!